NexWafe GmbH

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NexWafe GmbH

Organisation Introduction

Founded in Freiburg in 2015, NexWafe revolutionizes the PV industry by developing and commercializing high-efficiency and low-carbon photovoltaic wafers. Our innovative gas-to-wafer process allows for the creation of ultra-thin, high-efficiency wafers with a significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to traditional methods. We are committed to making solar energy more accessible and sustainable for a greener future.


Due to our unique position in offering a green wafer manufacturing solution, NexWafe is a key contributor to the SiLEAN project. In a European strategic supply chain, we currently offer the only viable alternative to the traditional wafering technology and likely today the only technological solution to provide thin green solar wafers economically at scale – largely independent of the global macro-political economic situation.  By collaborating with leading PV technology institutes in Europe within the SiLEAN project, we aim to drive the development of the next generation of high-efficiency low carbon footprint solar cells and modules. We will also gain knowledge in producing optimized thin wafers and their application in SHJ cells, and we will have the chance to evaluate the performance of our wafers for SHJ solar cells.

Involvement in SiLEAN?

In SiLEAN, NexWafe will lead the development of ultra-thin wafers with advanced light-trapping properties. To this end, NexWafe will first tune its wafer manufacturing technology to ensure that its wafers feature the target parameters of SiLEAN in terms of thickness, surface morphology and lifetime. Followingly, NexWafe will provide these ultra-thin wafers with special properties to SiLEAN partners for them to apply advanced light trapping techniques. Then, NexWafe will optimize its processes in line with the feedback from partners and will deliver optimized wafers for the development of mini modules. Finally, in cooperation with SiLEAN partners, NexWafe will assess the performance and environmental impact of mini modules to be developed.


“NexWafe’s participation in the SiLEAN project underscores our commitment to revolutionize wafer manufacturing for enhanced performance in next-generation PV systems. This collaboration facilitates invaluable insights that will enable us to optimize wafer properties, furthering our position at the forefront of sustainable energy innovation.”

Project progress

© 2023 SiLEAN

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The project is also supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

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