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Organisation Introduction

GraphEnergyTech brings together technological and scientific experts from the Cambridge Graphene Center (CGC, University of Cambridge) and the Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces (LPI, EPFL) with seasoned startup venture professionals to develop and commercialize innovative graphene products tailored to energy applications.

The company’s core competences lay in the ability to produce customizable graphene nanoplatelets using scalable industrial methods, and to further formulate such carbon-based materials into functional inks specifically adapted to various coating and printing techniques.

What’s more, our team benefits from hands-on experience of functional layer deposition techniques used in industries like solar and batteries.

Harnessing the exceptional properties of our graphene, coupled with our tailored formulations, enables us to create highly conductive carbon-based electrodes. Utilizing inexpensive and readily available material sources, paired with cost-effective manufacturing processes, we pave the way for accessible and efficient energy solutions.


Participating in SiLEAN perfectly aligns with GraphEnergyTech’s core expertise and strategic vision. As a company dedicated to developing innovative graphene solutions tailored for energy applications, this initiative embodies our commitment to advancing sustainable energy technologies. Drawing on our proficiency in producing graphene nanoplatelets and formulating highly conductive carbon-based functional inks, we are well-positioned to transform solar panel manufacturing by offering an alternative, non-metallic electrode technology to the currently used silver. SiLEAN serves as a significant milestone towards more sustainable solar panel production methods. Our decision to engage in this project underscores our objective of spearheading cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions that enhance the efficiency and accessibility of renewable energy sources. This endeavour reinforces our mission to catalyze meaningful change within the energy sector.

Involvement in SiLEAN?

PV Works will deploy and combine several numerical models to compute the energy yield of prospective full-size modules, which do not exist yet, based on fundamental material properties, fabricated cells and mini modules provided by project partners.


“Participating in SiLEAN enhances GraphEnergyTech’s capacity to pioneer sustainable solar panel manufacturing through advanced graphene solutions.”

Project progress

© 2023 SiLEAN

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The project is also supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

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