SiLEAN showcases at the 41st EU PVSEC

The SiLEAN project participated in the 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), the premier global platform for photovoltaic research, technologies, and industry innovation. This renowned event gathers the global PV community to discuss the latest developments, share insights, and drive advancements in the solar sector.

Many SiLEAN partners attended the event, sharing SiLEAN’s innovative approach, contributing to the exchange of knowledge and collaboration that this conference fosters, and joining research institutes, universities, and industry leaders from around the globe. The scientific programme, coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, ensures that SiLEAN’s solutions will be presented within the context of the most advanced photovoltaic research and innovations.

Our colleagues from TUD  represented the SiLEAN project through their significant contributions during the conference, showcasing the project’s progress and innovations:

  • M. R. Vogt presented in the plenary session, addressing Scarcity of Materials in the PV Value Chain, a critical issue for the future of sustainable solar technologies – Friday 27th September, 10:30 am. Full presentation available here.
  • E. Özkol presented a poster on Optimization and Integration of Room Temperature RF Sputtered ICO(:H) as TCO Layers in High-Performance SHJ Devices.

In addition, from the sister project TERASUN, K. Kovacevic delivered an oral presentation on Understanding the Electron Transport Mechanisms in MoOx-based Layer Stack for Application in Simplified IBC-SHJ Solar Cells.

As part of SiLEAN’s mission to develop fully In-, Ag-, and Bi-free silicon heterojunction technology, these contributions highlight our commitment to advancing both efficiency and sustainability in the PV sector.

It was a great opportunity to engage with leading experts, researchers, and industry professionals at this major event!

For more information on the programme visit

E. Özkol from TUD presenting a poster on Optimization and Integration of Room Tempature RF Sputtered ICO(:H) as TCO Layers in High-Performance SHJ Devices

Project progress

© 2023 SiLEAN

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The project is also supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

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