Expected and Achieved Results

On this page you can find the project’s expected and achieved results (deliverables).

Project Management and Coordination

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Project Management Plan
  2. Data Management Plan
  3. Quality Assurance and Risk Management
  4. SiLEAN Gender balance evaluation
  5. Final Data Management Plan

Light trapping in ultra-thin wafers

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. EpiWafers production
  2. Nano-random pyramids optimized for EpiWafers
  3. Black silicon and MST wafers with optimized surface passivation quality
  4. DLARC for minimized reflection

Novel passivation concepts for ultra-thin SHJ solar cells

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. nc-SiC:H TPC structure applied to full-sized wafers
  2. TMO structure applied to full-sized wafers
  3. Final report on nc-SiC:H TPC structure
  4. Final report on TMO structure
  5. Comparison of different novel passivation concepts for ultra-thin SHJ solar cells

Development of novel contacts for ultra-thin SHJ solar cells

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Feasibility report on contact schemes
  2. > 25% solar cell with ZnO as TCO
  3. >25% solar cell with Ag-free contacts
  4. Bi-free cell interconnection
  5. C-paste potential for the PV industry

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Bill of materials
  2. Mini-modules
  3. Record cell

Demonstration of reduced environmental impact

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Energy yield calculation
  2. Initial evaluation of safety of supply
  3. LCA results
  4. Final valuation of safety of supply

Dissemination, communication and exploitation

Expected / Achieved Results:

  1. Project identity (including project website)
  2. DEC Plan
  3. Exploitable results and exploitation routes
  4. Exploitation plans and IPR protection strategies

Project progress

© 2023 SiLEAN

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The project is also supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

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